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Working hours

  • Monday 8:00 to 17:00
  • Tuesday 8:00 to 17:00
  • Wednesday 8:00 to 17:00
  • Thursday 8:00 to 17:00
  • Friday 8:00 to 17:00
  • Saturday 9:00 to 18:00
  • Sunday Close
Crystal Eye Laser Center
Crystal Eye Laser Center

Working Hours

Our 2021 model WaveLight excimer laser device in our center performs wave fornt assisted treatment. By throwing 5,000 (five thousand) laser beams per second, it reduces the treatment process to just seconds. Fento Cataract, treatment is also done in our center. This very specific method exists in a number of places. The feature of Fento cataract is that it performs all calculations without fail. Patient satisfaction is very high.

Want to learn about smart lens or Laser? Please call us.

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A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I enjoy with my whole heart.
Persons who want to have laser surgery must have completed 18 years of age for women and 20 years of age for men. At the same time, the eye number has not progressed in the last 2 years and its number; Myopia should be between (-1) and (-10), astigmatism should be between (-1) and (-6) and hyperopia should be between (+1,5) and (+6). In recent p .. Read More
Myopia is a common vision defect where near objects are clear but far objects are blurred. In people with myopic eye defect, the shape of the eyeball causes the rays to be refracted incorrectly, causing the images to focus in front of the retina instead of the retina. .. Read More
Hyperopia is an eye defect that occurs as a result of focusing the rays coming into the eye behind the retina. While hypermetropes can see far, they cannot see nearby objects clearly. Hyperopia is not a disease, it is a defect in refracting the light coming into the eye. .. Read More
Astigmatism is a common eye defect in which the abnormal curvature of the cornea or lens of the eye causes blurred vision. When light enters the eye, it cannot focus correctly on the retina due to abnormal curvature and an unclear image occurs. .. Read More
AFTER OPERATION After laser treatment, controls are followed for 1 day, 1 week and 1 month. You must come to the control examination regularly. The eye does not need to be closed after the treatment. You should pay attention to the use of your medications as your doctor has recommended to you. If you feel a headache after laser, it is okay .. Read More
AFTER LID SURGERY OUR DRUGS: CILOXAN POMAT CAN BE USED EVERY DAY UNTIL THE SEWING IS TAKEN ARNICA CREAM                 : SCAREX GEL                   : PASSWORD ICE                                  : 5 MINUTES 1. EYE USE REGULARLY FOR 5 MINUTES, ON THE 2nd EYE. AFTER OPERATION After valve treatment, controls are f .. Read More
"A new chance for those with thin corneas" Did you know that these surgeries are performed in Turkey with a new laser technology called Allegretto Wave (treatment specific to a person's eye structure)? .. Read More
Before the operation, detailed tests should be done: The thickness of the cornea and the degree of fracture should be measured. Corneal mapping (topography), eye pressure and pupil dilation should be measured. After these tests were done, Dr. Auburn will answer any question you have in mind. Then, you can make an appointment for the decided Excimer .. Read More
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Quality is never a coincidence...
Quality is never a coincidence...

Thank you our dear friend berkecan for choosing us.

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